Tag Archives: In Memoriam

Burton D. Humphrey – “Hump” (In Memoriam)

Burt was my roomate while at Columbus, and I did keep up with him for the short time until he was killed in a 1972 crash. Burt went to Ellington after Flight School for transition to the 101. He was from Fargo, ND, and that is where the crash occured. I was out of the country at the time and did not learn of the crash till several weeks after the fact. Burt was a good guy, a good friend and I have thought of him fondly through the years.

In case you are interested, I am attaching the safety report from his crash. I apologize for the quality of the sketches–a copy of a copy of a copy… Fate truly is the hunter in some cases.

— Bill Grubbs (“Buzzard”), July 31, 2012

William H. Walker II — “Hank” (In Memoriam)

Hank Walker

Link to Obituary, published in The Seattle Times from October 18 to October 19. 2009

William H. (Hank) WALKER II, Colonel USAF (Ret.) William H. (Hank) Walker II, 67 died peacefully at home on Sun day, October 11th after a 9 month battle with cancer. Continue reading